16 Sep

Workplace Design has a great effect on productivity in the office, or wherever you work !

office clearance manchesterMore people are working remotely and not at their desks.

At any given time, about one-third of all knowledge workers in private and public sectors are working remotely. Only 30 to 40 percent of employees with assigned spaces are actually using them. Mobility is crucial to today’s workforce. In addition to their offices, employees are working in airplanes, in hotels, at client sites and at home. They need to be supported with technology and business processes that allow them to work effectively wherever that may be. In the workplace, mobility may require more “unassigned” or touchdown space for individuals who are out of the office for a significant portion of the day. Organizations also need flexible space for employees who might be visiting from another floor building or site.

Contact us at R & A Office Environments Ltd to discuss how we can help

Ring or text 07710 061800

Email:  sales@randaoffice.co.uk


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Flexible work boosts engagement and satisfaction.
Flexible work – allowing employees to work when, how and where they choose – generally receives a positive response. Thirty percent of employees with easy access to flexible work arrangements report feeling very engaged in their jobs. Compare this to the 19 percent engagement among those with moderate flexibility and the 10 percent engagement among those with little access to flexibility. Sixty percent of employees with high access to flexibility are very satisfied with their jobs, compared with 44 percent of those with moderate access and only 22 percent of those with low access.

Contact us at R & A Office Environments Ltd to discuss how we can help

Ring or text 07710 061800

Email:  sales@randaoffice.co.uk



Activity-based work settinoffice clearancegs are on the rise.
The nature of today’s work is so complex and unpredictable, and so single, all-purpose workstation doesn’t work for most knowledge workers.7 Workplace designers need to provide a variety of “activity settings,” or purpose-built areas for specific activities accessible to all. Activity settings might include impromptu meeting areas, formal meeting spaces, project rooms, individual work spaces or break areas that make up for the shortcomings of exclusively cellular or open-plan environments.

One size does not fit all.
At R& A Office Environments Ltd we are aware of the requirements of a multi layered skill workforce. We ensure that the brief to innovate and produce great space filled with great product is fulfilled.

Contact us at R & A Office Environments Ltd to discuss how we can help

Ring or text 07710 061800

Email:  sales@randaoffice.co.uk




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